Hello, Gorgeous!
Heather Rae Mitchell here, your style therapist. Welcome to EPIC Lounge—a space where you can feel safe, confident, and ready to explore the beauty of dressing for the life you want. I’m here to guide you on a journey of self-love and empowerment, helping you understand and embrace your unique edges and lines. Let’s discover together how to enhance your natural beauty and create a wardrobe that reflects the powerful, feminine, and sensual woman you are.
Master Your Style: Unlock the Secrets to Dressing for Your Body Shape
Transform your wardrobe and confidence with our free Body Shape Worksheet, exclusive MasterClass, and Epic Body Bible. Get ready to love the way you look and feel every single day.
Join our MasterClass
Dressing for Your Body Shape, paired with the 7-Day Wardrobe Refresh. Originally $99, now available for a limited time at 50% off. Learn the sexy secrets to dressing your shape, straight from your bestie who knows what’s up.
EPIC Body Bible
Ready to go all-in? The Epic Body Bible is your ultimate guide to mastering your style.
For the workbooks (Epic Body Bible, and Masterclass bundle), we offer a 30-day refund policy. However, please note that no refunds are available once the Style Therapy service has been provided. We strive to ensure the highest satisfaction and effectiveness of our services.
Shop Body Shape
Is designed to give you ideas of how to shop for your bodyshape, Some styles will have links to affiliate sites Epic Lounge By HRM will receive commission on selected items.
for any questions please email Heather@epicloungebyhrm.com